Without a concise layout of a plan, it is easy for a leader to lose their grasp in a situation. Without a strong foundation, a structure will crumble. Strategic planning is essential in any aspect. This strategic planning is parallel to Sun Tzu’s Art of War: Laying Plans. Babo not only fooled Delano, but also the readers. Babo forced Benito to play that everything was normal, as if Babo was his slave. Benito was supposed to steer towards Senegal, but Captain Delano happened to meet them along the way. It turns out that the ship underwent a slave revolt, led by Babo and Atufal. A skeleton was hanging there, with the words “Seguid vuestro jefe”, which means “Follow Your Leader.” That was when the readers knew that Cereno was not the leader. As the small boat got farther away from the San Dominick, a canvas fell from the figurehead. However, Cereno suddenly threw himself into the boat as well, with Babo following him behind, trying to stab him. At the end of the story, Delano prepares to have a small boat lowered into the water to make his way back to his own ship. Having a successful slave revolt requires strategic planning.
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Babo did not know San Dominick was going to encounter Captain Delano, but almost fooled him at the end by having a quick mind on how to play out the fake scenario. Although one should react to unique situations with creativity, the response must not be ignorant. In this, Tzu explains that one needs to be able to adapt in any condition they may encounter. “The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, ut on our own readiness to receive him not on the chance of his attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.” This is directly parallel to Chapter 8: Variation of Tactics. However, to Captain Delano, Babo appeared weak since he was merely just a servant helping his master shave his face. In this case, Babo appeared weak when he was actually strong, since Babo cut himself on the face as if Cereno was the one that did it. (Melville 39) This scene represents the tension that exists between the two characters, since Babo could have easily used the razor to cut anywhere on Cereno’s face. For example, during the shaving scene, Babo accidentally cuts Cereno’s cheeks with a razor. This highlights Babo’s strategic thinking, as Babo knows that he must instill terror in the sailors to keep them from rebelling against him, while fooling Delano that he was an obedient servant. Babo’s performance as Cereno’s servant is so convincing that Delano admires him on several occasions for his loyalty to his master. Babo’s goal was to come across as a humble and congenial assistant, more companion than servant. He pretends to be Cereno’s servant and is successful in providing a false explanation regarding the San Dominick’s battered appearance. Babo subverts racial politics by forming racial stereotypes that construct blacks as obedient yet unintelligent beings.

Delano saw how broken down San Dominick was and wanted to check the ship out. His effectiveness as a leader and his social competence are specifically put to the test when Captain Delano boards the slave vessel. Being of servitude in the Spanish colonies for several years, he had carefully planned out his slave revolt. Babo effectively utilizes the Art of War by carefully having variation of tactics, mapping out his plans and, breaking up big tasks into smaller ones, and attacking with fire.īabo’s leadership was required in order to have the slave revolt. He was critically aware and socially responsible, especially towards the slaves on the San Dominick.

Although Babo’s intelligence and ruthlessness was clearly noticed by the audience, the short story doesn’t show the audience his other qualities: manipulating and evil yet strategic. From Captain Delano’s perspective, Babo seemed like a helpful, obedient slave. One example parallel to this treatise would be the short story “Benito Cereno” written by Herman Melville. Even though Sun Tzu’s Art of War may only refer to the setting of an actual battlefield, there are several “battlefields” in life people must overcome as leaders. Through his thirteen chapters in the Art of War, Sun Tzu gives the blueprint for a successful conquest for any leader in metaphorically any field.